How to Counter the Texas Abortion Law without Ending the Filibuster

Gershon Bialer
1 min readSep 14, 2021

The Supreme Court has decided not to intervene against Texas’s new anti-abortion law. It may seem impossible to counter this law without ending the filibuster, but there is a way. Taxes can be passed through reconciliation with only 50 votes in the Senate. We only need an abortion lawsuit tax.

The Texas relies upon allowing random people to sue those who assist in an abortion. We need to taxes and tax credits to counteract this. We could simply tax the judgements from abortion lawsuits, and provide equivalent tax credits, who lose the lawsuit. This is shown in the diagram below.

The Democratic party has the votes to pass an abortion lawsuit tax without any Republican support. They only need the political will to do what is needed for the women in Texas, who will need an abortion.

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Gershon Bialer

Gershon lives in San Francisco where he is a bit obsessed with algorithms, and aspires to make computers be cool. He also plays chess.